Economic Development

Performance agenda: an international government survey

May 30, 2007


May 30, 2007

Our Editors

The Economist Intelligence Unit


Research Methodology

KPMG’s Global Government Services commissioned the Economist Intelligence Unit to produce this report on the Performance agenda: an international government survey.

The report is based on the following research activities:

  • The Economist Intelligence Unit conducted a global survey of 254 public sector executives from five countries: Australia, Canada, Germany, the United Kingdom and the United States. The respondents represented every major government department. All had management roles, and 37 percent were heads of departments, financial chiefs, directors, deputy directors or their equivalents. About half of respondents came from departments with budgets of up to US$500m, while another one-third represented departments that spend US$1bn or more per annum.
  • To supplement the survey results, the Economist Intelligence Unit conducted in-depth interviews with senior public sector officials from across the five countries surveyed.

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