Technology & Innovation

Protecting the brand—cyber-attacks and the reputation of the enterprise

March 24, 2016


March 24, 2016

Anonymous Writer



Cyber-criminals are assaulting every part of the enterprise. But not all cyber-attacks are created equal. In the minds of senior executives, the greatest danger of cyber-attacks is damage to the reputation of the firm with its customers.

The need to prioritise defences

Each year sees another jump in the volume of serious attacks—major security incidents were up 38% last year according to the consulting firm PwC.1 These attacks are becoming more sophisticated and successful—witness an 82% jump in the costs of US cyber-crime over the past six years.2 Finally, the number and variety of threats are proliferating, as well-funded cyber-criminals devise new ways to attack the firm—with over 31 distinct types of cyber-attacks listed on the web site of Cyber Security Crimes.3

This deluge in volume, severity and type of attack is forcing many Chief Investment Officers and Chief Information Security Officers to rethink their strategies. “The assumption has to be that not only will you be attacked, but that some attacks will be successful,” says Thomas Ordahl, Chief Strategy Officer at Landor Associates. “Planning has to begin from there.” A key assumption is that you cannot defend everything therefore you position your resources, technology and attention around your most key assets. 

The greatest harm a cyber-attacker can cause—loss of customers’ trust

In January-February 2016, The Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU), sponsored by VMware, conducted a global survey of 282 C-suite members4 on their greatest concerns in cybersecurity. Respondents are from large companies (ranging from $500 million to $10 billion in revenues), are located in 16 countries and represent a range of industries.

When asked about the greatest damage that cyber-attacks could do to their companies, their response was clear—“our reputation with our customers” was the greatest concern by a sizable margin. 

Why is protecting the company’s brand so critical in cyber security? “The brand of the company is the most valuable asset because it touches all things,” says Mr Ordahl. “It is behind growth and revenues. It is also the asset that when compromised…is least easily fixed.” 

Brand reputation is also seen as a fragile asset. “It can take decades to build your reputation with customers,” says Leslie Gaines-Ross, Chief Reputation Strategist at Weber Shandwick. “Then while you are asleep an attack can take place, and when you wake the reputation can be gone.” 

The reason why cyber-attacks can be so damaging to a company’s reputation is that the damage is not contained to the company itself—they also expose customers to the danger of identity theft or financial losses. Customers are keenly aware of this. “The customer decides that this is a company that is not prepared,” says Ms Gaines-Ross. “There is a negative halo effect: they go beyond the incident to question its products and controls.” 

And the attack itself is just the beginning. All of the companies targeted in top ten cyber-attacks in the last five years have been hit with shareholder or customer lawsuits. Beyond the damages awarded, these highly publicised events keep the breach in the news and high on public awareness.

Although intangible, damage to a company’s brand has a very real impact on financial performance. After Target revealed a breach that leaked information on as many as 110 million customers, for example, its sales dropped 4% and its profit plunged nearly 50% in the following quarter. The share price fell 46% and the CEO lost his job. 

The C-suite is not only concerned about the consequences of an attack, but also about the likelihood of it happening. Over a quarter of C-suite executives, and 38% of IT executives, believe that there will be a severe and successful attack on their firm within three years. Over 60% of executives believe that the incidence of attacks on customer-related data will increase over the coming year. 

The problem is that cyber-criminals place as high a priority on the customerinformation assets as does the firm. There is an active and liquid criminal market for customer information—credit card information, social security numbers, health information—which incentivises its theft. Just as customer data remains a priority for the enterprise, so it will be a priority for cyber-criminals. 

The protection of customer data—getting everyone in sync 

Most companies acknowledge that they cannot defend everything. Therefore, it is critical that a priority list is established, allocating resources and funding to protect the firm’s most valuable assets. This requires a unity of purpose in all parts of the company that touches cyber-security. 

As noted above, the company’s leadership is clear that it believes the asset that most needs protection is “our reputation with our customers”. Unfortunately, they do not appear to be in sync with the security team who has to allocate and operate cyberprotection programmes. 

Whereas the leadership is focused on the company’s reputation—its top priorities are reputation with customers and disclosure of sensitive internal communications—the security leadership is focused on protecting data assets such as regulated data and customer information.

This misalignment speaks to a larger issue—while the C-suite takes a longer-term, strategic view of cyber-security, IT executives appear to take a more tactical approach that focuses on individual data sets and assets. Security executives need to make sure they pursue a holistic cyber-security strategy that aligns with the priorities of the firm. 

Managing the successful attack 

Every company must plan for an attack that has already happened. “Companies have to plan ahead for managing the attack,” says Mr Ordahl. “You don’t want to be figuring out how to manage your response in the middle of the crisis.” 

Here are some leading practices: 

  • Have a flexible architecture-based defence that allows IT, upon notification that a breach has taken place, to identify, mitigate and contain the attack. Breaches are like cancer—if you can spot and treat them early, you can reduce the seriousness of the disease. 
  • Have a crisis management plan in place—one that assumes the worst: that significant customer assets have been compromised. This involves multiple stakeholders, particularly the CIO and the CMO, who need to work together to protect the brand. 
  • Come clean and disclose the full extent of the breach to your customers and regulators. “You will have more of a crisis on your hands when you are not transparent,” says Ms Gaines-Ross. “If you are not open in the first 24 hours, the solution will be worse than the crisis.” When you have disclosed the last bit of bad information, that is the start of rebuilding the brand. A slow drip of bad news will just prolong the pain and increase the mistrust. 
  • Don’t just talk about the problem—you should also talk about the solution. You need to make clear what happened but you should also take control of the dialogue by explaining what you are doing to fix the problem. “Your customers have to know that this will never happen again,” says Ms Gaines-Ross.
  • Conduct a forensic analysis of the breach and your response. A diverse team of stakeholders—from IT, legal, press and others—should conduct a post-mortem on the origins of the breach and its management by the firm. A premium should be placed on plugging the hole that allowed the breach, so that what happened before will not happen again. 


“He who defends everything defends nothing” is a classic military quote that now applies to cyber-security. 

The most effective cyber-defences will be those that concentrate resources where they are needed. For most firms, the most precious asset that they have—and the hardest to recover once lost—is the trust of their customers. This is also the asset that is most at risk through the attacks of hackers and cyber-criminals. Firms need to build security architectures that are flexible and modular enough to provide higher levels of protection against any attack that jeopardises the customer relationship—the first priority in cyber-security. 

Download the article here.

1 Increase in 2015 over 2014, The Global State of Information Security® Survey 2016, PwC, February 2016. 

2 2015 Cost of Cyber Crime Study: United States, Ponemon Institute, October 2015. 

3 Types of Cyber attack or threats, Cyber Security Crimes,, 2016.

4 Titles included CEO, President, CFO, COO, Chief Marketing Officer, Chief Sales Officer and Managing Director. The CIO was excluded in order to capture the views of non-IT professionals. 

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